Staffing Changes for the 2023 Festival

Our long-time Festival board member Sue Topping continues to recuperate following several serious health issues that occurred in late February 2023. Her improvement and rehabilitation, with considerable support from family and friends, has  been encouraging. However, she has taken a leave of absence from her roles with the Falcone Festival for the 2023 cycle. Her normal significant contributions, especially in the areas of Festival logistics and Festival finances, have been transferred to other board members and helpers for the current Festival. We look forward to welcoming Sue back to her lofty status of “head Festival elf” as soon as possible. As a result of Sue’s absence from our midst for the time being, we have made a number of shifts in responsibilities.

These transfers of responsibilities include:

• Festival Logistics – Pete Marvin
Pete has worked with logistics for quite a few years with Sue; he will continue to be responsible for logistics along with Joy Rimpau, who agreed to join our team as one of the lead logistics people. Pete will be the point person doing most of the work following the announcement of semi-finalists and alternates up to the competition at Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp, with Joy’s help. In the lead up to and at the actual Festival, Joy will become the point person.

• Festival Finances – Scott Myckowiak
Scott is currently Vice President, and he will expand his responsibilities to include that of Treasurer, handling all Festival finances.





March 31...Application Deadline
Early May...Semi-Finalists Notified
August 9-12...Festival Competition

Hosted by Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp

Statement regarding Diversity, Inclusion & Social Justice #BlackLivesMatter

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